Benefits Of Outdoor Play Area in a Residential Complex

The hustle culture in cities has left the parents with not much choice but to work hard to earn a living in the cities. This leaves them with no time to engage with the kids and therefore they are tempted to pacify the kids with electronic gadgets leaving them confined in their rooms. This has led to a rise in obesity in children from a very young age. It’s a sign of an unhealthy lifestyle. 

This is why active sports and playing outdoors is proven to be of advantage specifically when it comes to children growing up. The lack of good play areas outdoors, parks and safe open spaces for kids to play, has led most parents to keep the young ones confined at home. 

It is thus necessary to choose the right residential complex so that all such concerns are taken care of. A safe place where your children can play right outside their houses is certainly an answer to all your worries. 

Amongst the various benefits of greener and spacious areas next to your house, we have noted some that’ll help you reason out better while investing in a residential plot.

Physical Exercise

The most obvious and necessary advantage of playing outside is that children and adults both get the favourable environment to workout. The amount of physical activity one does outside while running, rolling, jumping, turning or twisting is sufficient enough to keep them healthy with a decent diet. All of it is usually restricted due to space constraints. It is majorly important to get a good amount of physical activity during the early ages as this has a direct impact on the physical and mental health of an individual.

Access to the source of Vitamin-D

Sunlight is the best natural source of Vitamin D, and is essential for the strengthening and development of our bones. Going outdoors and playing for a good hour or half supplies enough of direct sunlight which is the best source of Vitamin D. This natural access to it helps cure several illnesses including weak bones, early life heart diseases and diabetes. Decent playtime and space for kids to get enough sunlight during the early morning hours can take care of this concern.

Developing Social Skills

Instead of pacifying the kids with electronic gadgets, they could be allowed to play in the park for few hours a day. Now since we live in a structured human society. It is likely a natural tendency for us to communicate with one another. When playing outside with other kids, children get the chance to interact and develop their social skills with the help of one another. Give a distant ear to the conversation of kids in a park. You’ll either laugh hard or wonder how come they think so logically. 

This is because, most percent of the brain is developed by the age of five and children learn more about life in real life scenarios while playing with others. Thus, for a healthy body and mind, it is necessary that we let our kids play out in the safety of residential complexes.

Reducing Stress

Contrary to what’s perceived, children do go through stressful times just like adults. However, since they are incapable of acknowledging their emotions, they express their stress in different forms. The pressure of learning and achieving better grades, learning new skills, dealing with the feeling of being a child and being dependent on either parents or adults for most things, and several other factors together combine to cause stress in kids. 

When these things occupy the young minds, it is time that they connect with the outside world and play with others of their age. This will help eliminate the stress and replace it with good health and mental calmness received from those hours of playing outside with friends. 

Increases Learning Capability

Playing outside or just spending time in nature can enhance the learning capabilities of growing students. This is because when they play outside with other kids in the natural surroundings, they tend to pick up links between regular things and connect them with their logic to learn new things. This boosts imagination, creativity and spikes problem-solving skills. Thus, the next time your kid is trying to pacify two or more fighting kids, let him handle that alone unless it gets too ugly. This will teach him a lot of life skills. 

As human beings, we are designed to function physically. Thus, we need to develop this habit in children from a young age. Encouraging them to connect with nature and other kids by playing outside instead of lying down with a video game, is immensely beneficial. At Park Lane, PC Realty brings to you a gated residential community with safe and green play areas for your children. After all, taking care of tomorrow is our responsibility.

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